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11 Reasons Expats Leave Portugal and Return to the USA

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Moving to Portugal has become a dream for people from all over the world, including Americans, who are looking for a change of scenery and a new experience. However, despite the allure of Portugal, some individuals ultimately decide to leave and return to the United States.

In this article, we will explore 11 reasons why people make this decision, shedding light on the challenges and factors that influence their choice.

1. Cultural Adjustment

Moving to a foreign country often comes with a period of cultural adjustment. Portugal has a rich cultural heritage and a distinct way of life that can differ significantly from what Americans are accustomed to. Language barriers, social norms, and unfamiliar traditions may make it challenging for some individuals to fully integrate into Portuguese society, leading them to consider returning to the familiarity of the US.

2. Language Barriers

While English is widely spoken in Portugal, especially in tourist areas, the language barrier can still be a significant obstacle for some Americans. Daily interactions, administrative tasks, and professional opportunities may require proficiency in Portuguese. Those who struggle with language acquisition or prefer using English as their primary mode of communication may find it difficult to navigate certain aspects of life in Portugal, which can contribute to their decision to return to the US.

3. Employment Opportunities

Portugal offers a range of job opportunities, particularly in sectors such as tourism, technology, and renewable energy. However, the job market may not be as robust or diverse as in the United States. Expatriates often encounter challenges in finding work that aligns with their qualifications, career goals, and earning potential. Limited job prospects and lower salaries can be a significant factor in the decision to return to the US, where more opportunities may be available.

4. Healthcare Considerations

Access to healthcare is a crucial aspect of expatriate life. While Portugal has a well-regarded healthcare system, some Americans may have concerns about language barriers, differences in medical practices, or specific medical conditions that require specialized treatment. The comfort and familiarity of the healthcare system in the US may play a role in the decision to return.

5. Education for Families

Families with children face unique challenges when living abroad. Portugal offers good quality education, both in public and private schools. However, the curriculum and teaching methods may differ from those in the US. Language barriers and limited English language programs can pose challenges for children, affecting their academic experience. Concerns about education may lead families to consider returning to the US, where they are more familiar with the system and can ensure their children receive education according to their preferences.

6. Homesickness and Family Ties

Moving away from family and friends is often one of the most significant challenges for expatriates. Homesickness can intensify during holidays and important life events, making individuals yearn for the familiarity and support of their loved ones. The desire to be closer to family and maintain stronger connections with their home culture can be a compelling reason for some Americans to return to the US.

7. Social Integration

Building a social support network is crucial for a fulfilling expatriate experience. While Portugal is known for its warm and friendly locals, establishing deep connections and friendships can take time. Some individuals may struggle to find a community that aligns with their interests and values, leading to feelings of isolation and prompting them to reconsider their decision to stay in Portugal.

8. Financial Considerations

While Portugal is often perceived as an affordable place to live, financial considerations can play a significant role in the decision to return to the US. Factors such as income disparities, high taxes, and economic fluctuations may impact an individual's financial stability and overall satisfaction. The allure of higher earning potential or a more predictable financial landscape in the US may be a compelling reason for some to make the move back.

9. Climate and Lifestyle Preferences

Portugal offers a pleasant climate and a relaxed lifestyle that attracts many expatriates. However, personal preferences and adaptability vary among individuals. Some Americans may find the climate or the slower pace of life in Portugal unsuitable for their liking. These factors can impact their overall happiness and prompt them to consider returning to the US, where they feel more aligned with their preferred climate and lifestyle.

10. Political and Social Factors

Political and social stability are crucial considerations for individuals living abroad. While Portugal is generally politically stable and safe, some Americans may have concerns about political unrest, social tensions, or changes in policies. Uncertainties in these areas can lead individuals to seek the perceived stability and familiar systems of the US.

11. Long-term Commitment and Future Plans

Living in another country requires a long-term commitment and careful consideration of future plans. Some individuals may realize that their initial enthusiasm for living in Portugal was based on temporary factors or specific circumstances that no longer apply. As their goals and aspirations evolve, they may find that their current situation in Portugal no longer aligns with their long-term vision, prompting them to return to the US to pursue new opportunities.


While Portugal continues to be a popular destination for Americans seeking a new life abroad, it is important to recognize that not everyone's experience will be the same. Various factors, such as cultural adjustment, language barriers, employment opportunities, healthcare considerations, and personal preferences, can influence an individual's decision to leave Portugal and return to the US. By understanding these challenges, individuals can make informed choices and determine the best path for their happiness and fulfilment.

Wanna know more about Portugal and the Portuguese life? Thinking of moving to Portugal? Questions on visas? Healthcare? Expat life? Where you should live? Download our “Portugal Beckons - Book”, read by over 700 expats.

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